Experience Romania, An Exhibition of Romanian Culture and Tradition

- 29 December 2018
Event Description
We invite you to celebrate together
Romanian National Day and 100 Years since the Great Union of 1918
at the launch of
“Experience Romania”
An Exhibition of Romanian Culture and Tradition
Friday, 30th November 2018 from 5:30pm
The Hunt Museum
Rutland Street, Limerick
Exhibition Open 01.12.2018 - 09.12.2018, From 11AM to 3PM
Experience the magic of Romania through the senses!
From the sound of “toaca” that calls monastics to prayer in ancient monasteries of Northern Romania to exceptional visual imagery from Moldova, Walachia, Transylvania and Dobruja, from touching raw Romanian produce to the scent of exquisite plants, with famous Romanian wine and tasty food, let your senses bring you closer to a far away land and people that have a lot more in common with Ireland and the Irish people. More than expected!
We will listen to Live Romanian Traditional Music and we invite you to join us in a traditional dance!
This event is part of the Europeana Migration Collections Days and the European Year of Cultural Heritage!
Registrations through EventBrite are recommended to assist us with the event administration!
Looking forward to seeing you there!