Far apart but yet so close...
Connecting Our Worlds
Bran Castle
Gougane Barra
Peles Castle
Powerscourt Waterfall
Voronet Monastery Romania

eiro - The Irish Romanian Cultural and Business Association is the fastest growing association for Cultural and Business activities Check out our activities and privileges included for our members.

eiro is always especially constantly open, inclusive and committed

to create opportunities for every person interested in exploring Irish and Romanian cultures,
to foster economic activities and trade.

Latest News

16 03

Census 2022

April 3, 2022

Romanians are considered to be the largest invisible community in Ireland!

The Population Census will take place in Ireland on Sunday, April 3, 2022.

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27 02

Support for Ukraine

Eiro supports humanitarian efforts to help refugees and civilians in Ukraine. We are collecting for the Red Cross in Ukraine.

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Our Team

Daniela Ventuneac

Department Culture Executive

Mihai Bilauca

Department Economic Executive Admin

Elena Iorgulescu

Department Culture

Melinda Keseru

Department Culture Social

Vlad Novac

Department Culture

Anca Minescu

Department Culture Social

Our Activities

Provide Information

We will try to answer your questions

Contacts Database

We make connections at local level and put you in touch with others

Send Newsletters

We send you the news on a regular basis

We Support

Romanians with information on their rights, entitlements and obligations

Organize Events

Each year we organize fun events

Facilitate Business

We facilitate business opportunities between Ireland and Romania

Organize Meetings

We hold regular meetings for our members

Get Involved

Our members participate and support local events and facilitate the integration of all cultures on the island

and more...

Please visit our online shop. All fees are used for supporting our activities. eiro is a non-profit organization.
Contact us at info@eiro.ie. Our members use Viber to keep in touch
For the past 10 years eiro has organised many cultural and fun events. All our events are conducted in English and Romanian